Just awkward
I was a big fan of some of the older tommorow's nobodies, but there was something missing. The dialog just doesn't have any flair to it, and while perhaps this was somewhat the intentional (as implied by the last 30 seconds of the flash), it just didn't work for me. Sure, there were a few things that made me chuckle, but there just wasn't any flow to the script. One could understandably think that the script was written while under some sort of drug/alcohol use, and not really revised in any way. The animation is just as medicore as usual, and the recordings were fairly good, but at that level, it's just style without any sort of substance. All of this would be forgivable if the movie was funny, but it just isn't. The dick's running gag was just confusing, and the jew jokes just plain weren't funny. Everything feels like it's some elaborate inside joke and while it may be, you can't expect people on the outside to understand them.
Mark this under the recent trend of disapointing sequals on newgrounds